Superior Martial Arts. Leadership Education. Earned Rank.

Karate Is More than Kicking & Punching

At Excel Karate, we believe that the benefits of martial arts far exceeds the physical techniques. The founder of Excel, Kelly Muir, began a journey 30 years ago based on her conviction that martial arts, when taught properly, and patiently, not only provides a pathway to acquire self defense skills but it also gives students an opportunity to develop confidence, self discipline, self awareness and leadership.

Superior Martial Arts Instruction

The Excel System is a not a race for rank. The time proven curriculum was specifically created to be challenging to the students. It is our belief that the process of establishing an objective and working toward it for an enduring period of time is the most effective pathway for students to truly benefit from their martial art training.

Proven Leadership Method for Youth

At Excel, we highlight the importance of both follower-ship and leadership. Our program is based on a hierarchy system that offers leadership training for the students who have qualified for the advanced level of physical training. Those leaders, in turn, will become the instructors for the lower ranking students. This method ensures that every time someone steps onto the mat, they are learning. This includes the instructors & the students.

Learning & Earning

Earning rank at Excel is the only way to move through our program. The students are never “given” anything simply for effort. While effort is obviously a huge aspect to success, each student will be required to show technical acuity to move forward. This is not always an easy path for them but it is the only path that truly helps to build their confidence and skill level in a manner that will benefit them for the rest of their lives.